What is Way Natural?

Way Natural is a line of all natural soap and skincare products hand-crafted from premium quality goat milk and the highest quality ingrediants. Our soap is made with premium, raw goat milk from Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats. The goats live happily and humanely on a small farm in Ohio, are fed an all organic diet and are truly treated like family.

All our products are backed by the Leaping Bunny Certification. Leaping Bunny is the corporate standard for preventing cruelty in using animals to test cosmetics and household products. It requires the use of suppliers who commit to producing raw materials without engaging in animal testing. From these suppliers, we’re able to obtain organic oils, butters and extracts, as well as essential oils and product bases. We are serious about the materials we source — and this certification affords our customers peace of mind and comfort knowing so.

Way Natural isn’t just a brand - it’s a lifestyle. Our products are made with the purest ingrediants and are gentle and soothing for all skin types. We take great pride in all our products and are driven by our passion to help others feel their best and achieve the upmost happiness in life. Way Natural is commited to an Eco-Friendly business approach: reduce, reuse and recycle whenever possible. Our soap bars are packaged in a biodegradable shrink wrap film to not only preserve the freshness and quality, but also to remain environmentally conscious.